
Name Description
Attempted Authentication was not available, but the functionality was available (though the issuer, scheme or a third party) to generate a proof of authentication attempt.
Authenticated The transaction has been fully authenticated with 3D Secure 1.0
ChallengeAuthenticated The transaction has been fully authenticated with 3D Secure 2.0 folloiwng a successful challenge
ChallengeNotAuthenticated The card holder failed 3DS 2.0 authentication following a challenge. It is strongly recommended that the payment does not continue
ChallengeRejected The card holder rejected 3DS 2.0 authentication follwing a challenge. It is strongly recommended that the payment does not continue
ChallengeRequired The card issuer was unable to authenticate the payment and has requested that the card holder is challenged.
Enrolled The card holder is enrolled for 3D Secure 1.0
Error An error has occurred. Details of the error will be present in the "message" element.
FrictionlessAuthenticated The transaction has been fully authenticated with 3D Secure 2.0 with no challenge
FrictrionlessNotAuthenticated The card holder failed 3DS 2.0 authentication immediately without a challenge. It is strongly recommended that the payment does not continue
FrictionlessRejected The card issuer rejected the authentication attempt without asking for a challenge. It is strongly recommended that the payment does not continue
NotAuthenticated The card holder failed 3DS 1.0 authentication. It is strongly recommended that the payment does not continue
NotEnrolled The card holder was not enrolled for 3D Secure 1.0
PreAuthenticated All required information has been submitted to enable the device fingerprinting to be completed.
Unavailable Authentication could not be performed due to a technical or other problem
InProgress 3D Secure Redirect is in progress. More information is available under the element "currentStatus"