ReceiptInfo Complex Type

Name Description Type Constraint MaxLength
CardNumber This is the masked Primary Account Number (PAN) embossed on the front of a card xs:string Mandatory 19
ExpiryDate This is the expiry date embossed on the front of a card Date Mandatory 6
StartDate This is the start date embossed on the front of a card Date Optional 6
TransactionAmount This the monetary value of the transaction in minor units Money Mandatory 6
TransactionReference This is the merchant's own unique reference for the transaction xs:string Mandatory 50
PreAuthTransactionReference This is the original pre-authorization transaction reference. Returned for top-up and completion transaction receipts xs:string Optional 50
MerchantId This is the merchant identification number (MID) assigned to a merchant by the merchant's acquirer xs:string Mandatory 20
TerminalId This is the terminal identification number (TID) assigned to a transaction device by the merchant's acquirer xs:string Mandatory 20
CardScheme This is the card scheme code of the transaction CardSchemeType Mandatory NA
CaptureMethod This is the card data capture method CaptureMethod Mandatory NA
Dcc This is the Dcc related data DccReceiptInfo Optional NA
Signature This is the customer's digital signature captured on a PIN Entry Device Signature Optional NA
BelowSignatureLimit This specifies if the transaction amount was below the signature floor limit xs:boolean Optional NA
CardHolderName This is not supported NA NA NA
BalanceOnCard This is the balance on the cardholder account for a PrePaid Card Money Optional NA
AuthorizedTransactionAmount This is the monetary value of the Authorized Transaction Amount Money Optional NA